Despite being a sport with a history of over two centuries, cricket has seen consistent amendments in its laws. One of the latest editions to its regulations was regarding Fake fielding. Added as Law 41.5, it describes fake fielding as “deliberate distraction, deception or obstruction of batsman.”
A fake fielding incident occurs when a fielder makes an intentional attempt to distract or deceive the batter through verbose or unnecessary actions. If such an incident occurs, the fielding side gets penalized for fake fielding. Despite the use of video replays, it is important for the on-field umpires to witness fake fielding.
The instance an on-field umpire witnesses fake fielding, the ball is signaled dead. If the batters were run out but through fake fielding, the umpires can give a verdict of not out due to the breach of laws by the fielding side. The batting side can also be awarded five runs in addition to the runs they scored off the ball wherein the fake fielding incident occurred. Another advantage the batters gain is that they get to decide who takes strike for the subsequent delivery.
If deliberate physical contact is involved, then the fielder may also be suspended from the field based on the severity of the incident. This severity is adjourned in accordance with Law 42 which describes ‘players’ conduct’.
Players must refrain from fake fielding to play within the spirit of the game. In professional cricket, a couple of incidents of fake fielding were reported previously that led to the introduction of this law. It was essentially needed as often times a desperate dive put in by the batter due to fake fielding put them at a risk of injury. Thus, a fake fielding law protects the conduct of the sport in addition to players’ safety.