Former Springbok Captain Earns Distinction in MBA Program

Former Springbok captain Adriaan Strauss graduates with distinction from NWU’s MBA program, demonstrating commitment both on and off the field.

Adriaan Strauss, the former Springbok captain and renowned hooker for the Cheetahs and Bulls, has achieved another milestone by graduating with distinction from North-West University (NWU) with a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree.

The graduation ceremony was held at the NWU’s Potchefstroom Campus on Thursday, April 25. Strauss began his MBA studies at the NWU Business School in 2022 and has now successfully completed the internationally accredited program two years later.

Comparing Rugby and Academia
Discussing the challenges of pursuing an MBA versus facing the formidable All Blacks, Strauss humorously remarked, “An MBA takes a bit longer than a test against the All Blacks, but the All Blacks are certainly not a team to underestimate. If a match against the All Blacks lasted two years… I’d still say the All Blacks!”

Dedication and Hard Work Pay Off
Strauss recognized the rigors of the MBA program, noting, “It has been an incredible journey; I’ve enjoyed every bit and learned immensely. It’s the best decision I could have made. I would recommend an MBA at NWU to anyone. It demands a lot of dedication and effort.”

He credited his success to his work ethic and competitive spirit, developed through his rugby career. “As a professional rugby player, you have to train daily and constantly work on your fitness. I believe this work ethic has also propelled my academic efforts.”

Applying MBA Knowledge in Business
Strauss highlighted the practical application of his MBA knowledge, stating, “The program is highly relevant, and I’ve already successfully applied what I’ve learned. It teaches you not only theoretical knowledge but also teamwork, and how to enhance your time management skills. It has transformed my approach to thinking and problem-solving.”

Praise for NWU and Support System
Strauss commended the quality of the faculty and administrative staff at NWU, describing it as “an exceptional institution.”

He also expressed gratitude for the support of his wife, Carmen, and his family during his studies, acknowledging, “I couldn’t have done it without my wife, Carmen. We have three children, with the youngest being about seven months old when I started my studies, so she had a lot to manage.”

With his MBA degree in hand, Strauss is well-prepared to achieve success in the business world, potentially matching or even surpassing his accomplishments in rugby. His dedication, hard work, and strong support network have all contributed to his success, allowing him to cherish his academic achievements for years to come.

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